Let me take a second to same something here. I read a good bit of crap talk on these models. Many do not care for them. I am not one of those people though. Some folks like the Mierce or Scibor versions better. I am not one of those folks. Let the pics do the talking.
Exhibit A for the court: Scibor
These guys look... well like they are really in touch with their sexuality. Towards guys...
Exhibit B: Mierce
So you are telling me that between the middle one with a Down Syndrome and the pirate on the end are better then exhibit c?
Exhibit C: GW/Painted by me
The above two exhibits have better paint jobs but stupid looking models. GW's are better!
So I have been busy banging these guys out. I'm up to 9 total Minotaurs, 1 Doombull and 1 Taurox the Brass Bull. I really want to do a WFB demo game at the next game day Martin is having. I would also like very much to start playing in some tournaments at Legions. It'd be good for me to roll up there and beat some ass. Not on the gaming table but in the parking lot afterwards. You know when I am being a sore loser and taking it out on people who don't deserve my bullshit. Cuz its totally a fair fight, me former US Marine against random nerd who hasn't been punched in the face since high school, which would have been earlier that week most likely. I need a therapist... or more beer.
Jesus I just noticed my oldest son's head in in those pics. Nice. I have skills. Triple threat I am. Obviously great grammar (not even I kept a straight face on that), mediocre painting skills, below average IQ, shitty judgment on the gaming table and a piss poor attitude if I lose. Was that three?
Also I played a game this week against Shawn. He is my NEWB. He plays Astra Militarum and is a really solid painter for someone with no background in the hobby. We played a 1800 point game. Another learning game for him, he only has like 6-8 games in total. This why by far the biggest game point wise he had played. I took a very important thing away from that game. I need to slow down, not everyone has as many games as me. I screwed him up on like 3 turns of his rushing him. Bad teacher!! At least I caught it. I hope I was better about it in previous games. Lesson learned.
Total side note. I took Karandras and some wraithaxes. It was funny. I assaulted a 20-25 man strong platoon and butt fucked them for three rounds. Sadly the butt fucking ended there when he cast misfortune on him... Ohh yeah totally nerfed that power the internet says. Ummm fuck no it didn't. Rending from everyone that shoots at the target. That's not right!!! OP! OP! OP! OP! Sky falling!! Over reaction rant!! Whatever those tools on dakka do. Anyways its a good power. I know the re-rolling failed wounds is nice and all but rending? That was good Shawn took him down with it right before he was getting ready to charge and violate his company commander.
Wow I just re-read this blog post.... Nice segue... From Minotaurs to partial batrep. Well that's all that good learning I have had over the years..
See you around the way...
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