Well life happens I went off to the Marine Corps and wouldn't game for about 5 years. In the early 2000's I would play a lot of White Wolf stuff, Rifts (which I always hated), In Nomine, D&D (until 4th dropped) and my absolute favorite L5R.
So that brings me to now. 3 kids, a dog, 2 cats, a iguana and a amazing, supportive girlfriend. Leaves for little time to get 5-6 guys together for Roleplaying time. So I decided that maybe 40k would be a good bet for me. Only takes two. I can paint in my own time. I can still create my own backstory (I always DM'd my Roleplaying sessions) and make my own Craftworld/Tribe with my twist on it.
So last April I started researching the game again. I liked what I saw. Reviews were generally good and the models looked amazing. I was in! So I started collecting the army I had back in the old days, my trusty Eldar.
I searched ebay, Bartertown and craigslist looking for a deal. It was hard to find the stuff as cheap as I wanted. I would spend hours looking for deals. HOURS... HOURS.... I hope my repetition is making my point. I'll revisit this later.
So I got a good start from ebay and craigslist. I had decided the type of Eldar army I wanted. Wraith warriors and aspects. I made up my own craftworld and color scheme.
I'll get into my fluff in later posts. Now though I'll show you some of my progress.
And later I'll talk about GW and the state of affairs with the game. Spoiler... I really like GW and do not understand why we hate "our" hobby...
My army about 6 months ago...
Craftworld Belac prepping for War....
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